Meet Algernon: Professor A.T.
If having a Sense of Power and Control over your LIFE and WORK is important, then this site is for YOU.
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Taneisha Tucker Photography (
Whether you own the business (as an Entrepreneur) or you’re responsibile for delivering key results for your employer (as an Intrapreneur), having the wrong perspective about your VALUE equals missed opportunities, increased expenses and massive time consumption (as well as STRESS in its many forms).
Not having the structure (or capacity) to make even small improvements quickly, can keep you under constant pressure to perform without any time to sit down to consider a better way. What you need most is a connection to someone who has the resources you lack.
The Solution: Collaborate with me to solve your next Personal Power or Productivity Issue. Together, we’ll figure out how to optimize your personal power and maximize your workflow efficiency. We’ll fine-tune functionality, using the resources you already have (plus some cool tools that I’ll make available to you).
The first tool I recommend is The PROGRAM.
Your enrollment will give you instant access to the first course: BECOME Powerfully Productive (Fulfilling Outcome 01).
My Philosophy for Optimized Personal Power and Maximized Productivity (Workflow Efficiency)
You Matter Too… So Act Like It!
- Your Expertise Matters
- Your Commitment to Excellence Matters
- Your Appreciation for Process Matters
- Your Investment In Others Matters
- Your Ask For Help Matters
- Your Success and Inner Peace Matters
- Your Love For Self Matters
My Core Expertise
I help people see their personal power and put it to more effective use. Not only in their work environment, but also in their relationships.
My Favorite Quote
Man and Woman are so made that when anything fires their soul, impossibilities vanish. (Jean de La Fontaine)
My Favorite Expert
John C. Maxwell is my favorite expert and my favorite lesson from Mr. Maxwell is the Law of Process coupled with the Law of Navigation. Together they help clarify Where You’re Headed and How You Plan To Get There.
My CORE Topics for Optimized Personal Power and Maximized Productivity (Workflow Efficiency)
This is designed for training individuals how to make their personal power relevant to a specific outcome so that their life and business affairs (as an Intrapreneur or Entrepreneur) functions more efficiently. The Program helps YOU deliver a more relevant YOU and more efficient Workflow PROTOTYPE in 7 days or less.
As an expert, YOU intentionally place yourself in challenging situations in order to SOLVE A PROBLEM. Along the way, you will experience some or all of The 7 Life and Work Disrupters listed below:
- 1: Not Enough TIME (Loss Opportunity)
- 2: Not Enough ENERGY (Readiness Factor)
- 3: Not Enough RESOURCES (esp. Money)
- 7: Not Enough STRUCTURE for Consistency
Tool for Facilitation: Bridging The Workflow Gap Framework (Link)
My ADVANCED Topics for Optimized Personal Power and Maximized Productivity (Workflow Efficiency)
Advanced Collaboration helps you transform your personal power into a hyper-relevant and optimized state. When applied to maximizing your workflow efficiency, fpr the purpose of impacting others on the enterprise level, you need an underlying structure for creating systematic results.
For this, I teach you CPS – REMARKABLE Logic
- 1: CONTEND (Core)
- 2: PROTOTYPE (Core)
- 3: SEQUENCE (Advanced)
Tool for Facilitation: CPS – REMARKABLE Logic
Ways To Connect
Below are 6 ways to connect. Click on the corresponding link to submit your information.
Request for Speaking Event
A speaking event is typically 20 to 90 minutes. This links to a form to submit your event information and requirements. (Link)
Request For Training Workshop
A training is event is either half-day (4 hours) or full-day (8 hours). This links to a form to submit your event information and requirements. (Link)
Schedule Coaching Appointment
Coaching sessions are 60 minutes. This links to the coaching appointment scheduler. Login is required. (Link)
Q1: What do I think it takes to be successful?
It takes 3 fundamentals to be successful:
- Learn How To Get The Right Things Done Fast (without sacrificing quality).
- Learn How To Focus and Refine Your Strengths To Gain Superior Control of Your Attention, Impact and Magnetism.
- Learn How To Master The Relationship Stress Relief Formula To Love Better, Live Better and Lead Better.
Success Fundamentals 1 and 2 have always been natural to me.
However, it took me 50 years to recognize and begin practicing Success Fundamental 3.
Relationship Stress diminishes the value of nearly every great quality in a person. Long-term exposure makes you unattractive and likely someone to avoid, leaving you in isolation. Isolation has its own dangers, particularly limited perspective and a weakened psychological state.
Proverbs 27:17 teaches us that Iron Sharpens Iron. We need the collaborators around us to help us be strong, get stronger and stay strong (under pressure).
In addition, we need advisors to help us break the chain of emotional attachment to the wrong people (namely those with behavior which weakens trust and intimacy). Fortunately, I was able to leverage the healthy habits I’d cultivated in Success Fundamentals 1 and 2 to make room for and do the work of creating Success Fundamental 3.
Success Fundamental 3 is work, but so is Tolerance of Abuse (Abnormal Use). I think the most important realization gained while pursuing Success Fundamental 3 is that You Matter Too!
Q2: Where Do I Specialize To Help You Win Bigger, Better and Faster?
I help people see their personal power and put it to more effective use.
Not only in their work environment, but also in their relationships.
The outer fulfillment of these conversations is increased Authority, Assets, Autonomy, Advocacy and Accountability.
The inner fulfillment of these conversations is you’ll become Insightfully ATTRACTIVE, Creatively ASSERTIVE and Powerfully PRODUCTIVE.
7 Day Secret ( is my primary platform for facilitating these conversations.
I adopted the 7-Day concept after studying pastors and the process they use to teach their congregations.
Pastors have 1 week (or 7 days) to prepare a lesson and deliver it effectively on Sunday morning. If done well, members of their congregation have an opportunity for significant growth every week of the year.
52 small improvements (seeds for success) over the course of 1 year can produce tremendous value within a person. Nature has a way of aligning these small improvements for maximum impact when the opportunity presents itself.
Victor Hugo wrote “There’s nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”
My Secret (distinct offering) is the sequence through which the optimized personal power and maximized workflow efficiency is facilitated.
I’ve named my sequence R.E.M.A.R.K.A.B.L.E. Logic.
It applies Math, Science and The Hero’s Journey to Process Improvement.
Q3: What Goal or Mission Is Driving My Creative Journey?
I love options.
I hate feeling stuck.
I strongly disklike inefficiencies (which prevent me from doing something else I enjoy). I know getting unstuck and eliminating inefficiencies requires new and appropriate perspective about your own VALUE.
Others hate feeling stuck too, but usually don’t know how to get unstuck. So, they learn to tolerate feeling stuck, teaching everyone around them to abuse (abnormal use) them.
Q4: What Do I Think Helped Me Build My Reputation Within The Personal Growth Market?
Technical Ability fused with Exceptional Customer Service.
Absolutely NO ONE does customer service better than me.
I’ve made it a point to know people. Not just their name and their problem, but also their preferences, triggers and fascinations.
I treat them like they matter and make sure they feel even smarter for having interacted with me.
I have a deep understanding of human psychology.
I measure my effectiveness not only by my ability to solve the problem, but also by the smile and appreciation I receive every time we interact.
Act Like… You Matter Too!
Get With The Program That “Gets” YOU and The Frustrations YOU Experience When Serving Others.
The PROGRAM Equips YOU To Say NO To “Every ONE and Every THING” That Is Not Adding Value To Your Life.
Put The Exhaustion, Frustration and Disappointment Behind You. Learn New Ways To Use Knowledge, Talent and Skills You Already Possess. Say Yes To Problems and Opportunities That Benefit You First. It’s Not Selfish… This Program Is About #Self1stThenOthers