Microsoft Office

I use all of the Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access). My powerhouse tools for creating workflow efficiency (speed + simplicity + convenience) Access and Excel as a team. Most of your administration and decision-making functions can be handed over to Access and Excel if you have the right processes and programming. As a paid member, you gain access to the tools we use.

Workflow Integration CAPTURE Tools

This tool works alongside Bridging The Workflow Gap, allowing you to CAPTURE the actions which led to your New Workflow Process. It incorporates a KanBan style Action List with GTD statuses, a Mindmap for unrestrained creativity and a Notepad for in-the-flow notetaking.

Kofax Power PDF Advanced

While certain answers have universal appeal, the best answers are often your own. My presentation may spark a new idea in you while I’m covering a topic.

To ensure that you capture and save not only what I’ve shared, but also your own thoughts, I create and provide fillable PDFs. You can download to your preferred device, type in the corresponding field and save. No paper or pen required. Kofax Power PDF is my preferred tool for PDF Forms.

INBOX Mind Flow

Email-based communication offers not only an easy way to connect with others, but also a flood of distractions and low-level anxiety triggers.

INBOX Mind Flow integrates GTD Methodology and Visiblity Controls with quality Mental Health Techniques to create a physically and emotionally rewarding workspace inside the Gmail environment.

Bridging The Workflow Gap Framework

This a simple framework for challenging a limiting workflow process and making it function more efficiently. I guide you through 7 stages of Workflow Efficiency Improvement (for issues that affect only YOU). Then 3 additional stages to integrate your workflow efficiency improvement on an enterprise level. We use this tool for most coaching sessions and it’s a solid tool for transforming workflow in 7 days or less.

Design Tools