Transition from an Emotional-Only Core Strategy to a Logical Core Strategy backed by Intense Passionate Emotion.
The process you’ll learn is called The Perspective Alterator.
S = See or Hear Something
T = Tell Yourself A Story
A = Acknowledge Story
N = Neutralize Emotion
C = Create A New Way
E = Evidence | Proof
Make Your Value, Power and People Persuasion Skills Relevant To The Problem You Intend To Solve, in the sphere of influence where you’ve been given dominion.
The 7 Mountains or Spheres of Influence Concerning People Activity.
1. Arts and Entertainment
2. Business (2)
3. Education
4. Family
5. Government (2)
6. Media
7. Religion
1. Confidence
2. Connection
3. Care
4. Confidence
5. Congruence
Blend Confidence, Connection, Care, Consistency and Congruence To reCREATE Your Life and Your Supportive Relationships.
These people are loyal, attentive, equipped, connected and invested in YOU (as You’ve been in them). It’s an Exchange.
Start Your Free Membership To Get Instant Access To The PROGRAM.
It starts with YOU developing your ability to say NO to the wrong things and YES to the right ones. The rewarding life experiences YOU desire are built upon this important skill and assertiveness.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.
An Insider’s Look At The Brilliant Minds Shaping The PROGRAM
Behind every great discovery and system is a collection of brilliant thinkers. For The PROGRAM (aka YOU Matter Too), I’ve consulted with many experts (masculine and feminine), across diverse genres to bring YOU the best thinking and unconventional perspective.
Below are 7 MENTORS who challenge and shape my thinking about establishing Relevant Value, constructing Personal Power and expanding Quality of Life.
NOTE: After reading the Mentor Introduction, you’ll be presented a question to initiate the conversations that will help YOU reFRAME Your VALUE and reCLAIM Your POWER.
MENTOR # 1: Robert Greene said NO to powerlessness and fear.
He transformed his love for history and his perceived lack of personal power into “The 48 Laws of POWER” — the definitive manual for commanders at all levels of leadership, as well as for anyone interested in gaining, observing or defending against ultimate control.
He writes in Law 1: Never Outshine The Master — Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please and impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite—inspire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power.

How many times have you violated this law and experienced consequence without understanding why?
MENTOR # 2: Regena Thomashauer said NO to introversion and fear.
She leveraged her personal feelings of introversion and fear, then combined the power of language with decades of research into the social, cultural and economic history of women, to create the School of Womanly Arts — which helps women reclaim, express and share the magnificence of the feminine through lessons on Self-Approval, Sisterhood, Relationships, Rupture, Sex + Sensuality and Divine Feminine.
In her latest book “Pussy: A Reclamation” she writes, “I am a woman of words, a gift I got from my father. He could jot a short line on a page and express everything he longed to say but lacked the social skill to impart. I grew up with him reading the Bible aloud, every Friday night. I was raised to have great respect and reverence for the power of language; for the way a simple, well-placed word could launch a movement or a philosophy. The way a single word could change the course of history.”

What simple, well-placed word might launch a philosophy / point of view which completely changes your life?
MENTOR # 3: Chin-ning Chu said NO to the complexity and confusion leaders might experience when studying imperative books on strategy and command.
She brought two influential books when she emigrated to the United States in 1969 (at age 22) — Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” and Lee Zhong Wu’s “Thick Black Theory.”
In 2002, she published her own book “The Art of War for Women” where she examines strategies to help every woman celebrate their femininity to the fullest — while gaining the freedom to soar to personal and professional heights, without losing access to the biological strength, love and support of men with healthy masculine energy.
In chapter 1 she writes, “Play with the power of paradox. Taoist philosophy, which Sun Tzu’s Art of War is based on, recognizes that good and evil are not opposing forces. The opposites are not absolute; rather, they are related—just as we know beauty because we have also seen ugliness and know short only as it compares to tall.”
“In Taoism, in The Art of War, there is no right and wrong, no black and white. Every action has its time and place, and the same action will lead to different results when your opponent or other circumstances are different. Confused? Good. This is the first step to understanding The Art of War; you have to give up your attachment to clear-cut realities and instead embrace the whole spectrum of colors of paradox and ambiguity. This is the foundation of the art of war and the art of life.”

How is your attachment to clear-cut realities and avoidance of ambiguity causing YOU to miss important clues that can help get more of what YOU want from your efforts?
MENTOR # 4: W. James Dennis said NO to working as an employee and began failing his way to success as an entrepreneur.
He consulted mentors from the streets and immersed himself in the school of hard knocks. Then published his battle-tested discoveries in “Revealing The Secrets of the Game” —where GAME is a carefully assembled structure of Power shaped as a Pyramid.
To set the stage for developing GAME, he writes, “Learning the Game can be exhilarating, but it comes at a price. The information in this book, if you honestly apply it, will cause you to “die” to yourself. The “you”, you think “you” are now, will be pulled up by the root like an obnoxious weed in a beautiful garden. You will “die” and be reborn into a more powerful version of yourself.

What might YOU achieve if you reINVENTED yourself as a more powerful, more persuasive leader, entrepreneur and trail-blazer? How does it feel to even consider this idea?
MENTOR # 5: April Mason said NO to the life that left her living in a shelter for women.
She visualized herself as a woman in a business suit, a briefcase, beautiful flowing hair, confidence, a successful career, a plethora of high caliber men to choose from; she drove a convertible, had a beautifully furnished home, amazing girlfriends, an abundant bank account, and a life she was happy with.
Then she went to work on her Identity Switch — becoming what she brands as Refined Hood: a blend of the calm demeanor of Sheryl Lee Ralph’s character, Dee, in the sitcom Moesha and the elegance of Diahann Carroll’s character, Dominique Deveraux, on Dynasty. She studied these ladies, reverse-engineered their inner workings and applied what she uncovered to herself.

What immediate benefits might YOU gain from an Identity Switch?
MENTOR # 6: Algernon Tucker said NO to tolerating mediocrity from himself and the people he spent the most time interacting.
He realized that investing in CASUAL-anything is a missed opportunity for something better. He stopped solving problems for and serving people who were consumers only (non-reciprocators). This freed him psychologically, emotionally and socially, creating time and space for new discovery, which he used to further explore his fascination with people interacting for a greater good.
He targeted individuals unafraid to live their lives as an exceptional 9 or 10 – yet frequently found themselves stuck as an above average 7 or 8 in the environments where they lived, worked and interacted with others.
He studied in great detail, all of the recommended books on human psychology, relationships and leadership, only to find these resources did not work for most people. Then he stumbled upon the concepts of Subtract, Frame and Self 1st Then Others.

The fascinatingly drastic paradigm shift Algernon experienced after exposure to Subtract and Frame, influenced his friend of 17 years to make a similar change to his core thought process. These changes and consequent discussions led Algernon to create the Personal Power and Productivity Development System — which he calls The PROGRAM (aka YOU Matter Too).

What might YOU accomplish if YOU paused your engagement with the current psychological, emotional and social distractions to employ a SUBTRACT strategy?
MENTOR # 7: Rian Stone said NO to the quickly disappearing forums for men to question, collaborate and continue the refinement of masculinity.
In 2014, he began researching the way to restore a Positive Male Identity and Mental Point of Origin. He created Praxeology: FRAME as a TOOLBOX for men to take ownership for the thought process they use to navigate and succeed in life and relationships.
Rian writes in his book “Praxeology: FRAME” (Book 1), “Frame starts with understanding the physical, intellectual, and emotional aspects of your life that you can take control of and use to understand your vision. You can’t be told what to think, only shown how to act. By the end, you should have built your own roadmap and have the tools to travel it to whatever destination you have chosen.”

Effective use of FRAME requires clarity of intent… What will YOU do differently to create a Positive Masculine or Feminine Identity and expand your Quality of Life?
Brilliant Minds: For Assertiveness and Productiveness
With the first 7 mentors, I focus on helping YOU intensify your Attractiveness. You’ll be introduced to relevant content from my other 14 mentors after joining the 7DS Community (with a paid membership).
MENTORS For Assertiveness
MENTORS For Productiveness
An Insider’s Look At The Thought Process and Problem Navigation Tool Underlying The PROGRAM
With The PROGRAM (aka YOU Matter Too), you’ll be exposed not only to my MENTORS, but also to the biological benefits of the masculine and feminine energies expressed through their concepts, as they apply to Personal Power and Productivity.
Effective and lasting change begins with a thought process, a problem navigation tool and a short time frame for execution.
R.E.M.A.R.K.A.B.L.E. Logic begins with the question How Can I ___?
Then YOU start a 7-Day Journey to uncover the answer to this question and create its solution. If you don’t find your answer during the 7-day period, YOU start another 7-Day Journey. If you’re like most, YOU will discover that the journey is where the real value is found.
My most amazing discovery has been to RECOGNIZE that I no longer wanted the thing I was pursuing. It was either someone else’s pursuit or a scaled-down version of what I really wanted.
To RECOGNIZE what YOU really want can save YOU years of wasted resources and unnecessary frustration.

Meet The Mindsets That Will Help You Navigate and Implement The PROGRAM: REIGN and PIERCE
My journey to saying NO (to the wrong things in order to say YES to the right things) has been guided by the energy and expertise of feminine and masculine teachers.
To ensure you get the full extent of what I’ve learned, most published content is presented with a feminine and masculine perspective. And not just the psychological, emotional and sociological dynamics of feminine and masculine, but also the biological dimension.
The Biological Dimension is a way of thought and movement that we have consciously ignored through socialization. When YOU allow the biological dimension to become a part of your conscious thinking, YOU gain access to the Irresistible Persuasion of the Feminine and the Irrefutable Power of the Masculine (perfectly blended into just the right action).
REIGN is responsible for providing YOU a predominantly feminine perspective.
PIERCE is responsible for providing YOU a predominantly masculine perspective.
With these two extremes, I’m able to deliver YOU the ultimate “biological blend” of the feminine and masculine energies.
REIGN is the perfect fusion of all the Powerfully PERSUASIVE Women that I know (and have studied).
PIERCE is the precise blend of the all the Persuasively POWERFUL Men that I know (and have studied).

My Journey To Embracing The REIGN and PIERCE Perspective (And How This New Way of Thinking Can Benefit YOU Too)
My masculine\feminine point of view is a combination of commitment, fearlessness and drive in the area of Personal Power and Productivity. This unique blend and its constant “tweaking” equips me the be the ideal facilitator with fresh and relevant perspective for your Personal Power and Productivity Journey.
There’s tremendous benefit from studying extreme dichotomies (esp. between the masculine and feminine dynamic). While most people take a stand for or against these extremes, I work hard to find the perfect blend of the two – something I call the Yang Yin Connection… more on this in the Member Course Library.
For now, I can promise that you’ll leave this experience better than you arrived, even if you discover that this community is not the best fit for you. Perhaps you know someone who is a good fit, and you’ll send them here. I believe in making the most of your time, so let’s jump in and get started.

NOTE: If you have enough information to make your decision about exploring The PROGRAM (aka YOU Matter Too), go ahead and create your FREE member account below. You’ll get immediate access to…
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.

Your GIFT To Yourself

See How Well The PROGRAM Can Help YOU Have A Better Experience With Yourself.
It starts with YOU developing your ability to say NO to the wrong things and YES to the right ones. The rewarding life experiences YOU desire are built upon this important skill and assertiveness.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.
The PROGRAM (aka YOU Matter Too) is implemented over three stages…
If you already know how to properly execute and complete these 3 stages, then The PROGRAM offers NO real benefit to YOU and you’d be wasting your time hanging out here.
However, if you’re like I used to be, then your inability to say NO to the wrong things and people, is wearing YOU out.
Now YOU need the help offered through The PROGRAM to help YOU break free from your self-inflicted Personal Overload.
R.E.M.A.R.K.A.B.L.E. Logic helps you rePROGRAM your mind so YOU give your gift to your SELF first.
Then, when you’re ready, YOU can devise a way to share it with others systematically (to ensure that your contribution doesn’t become a burden to maintain and deliver).
The psychological and emotional space needed to create this new reality is your ability to say NO to the wrong things and people.
Your Purposeful PAIN
The REIGN Perspective taught me how to sit with, consider and appreciate my dissatisfaction and emotional pain.
It was present for a reason that was impossible to uncover, while I remained in the busyness of life.
The REIGN Perspective reminded me how I’d wrestled with certain problems for years to solve and master. REIGN pointed out the thousands of dollars and time away from loved ones I’d invested to become relevant and helpful.
The REIGN Perspective introduced me to the concept of FINESSE — the distinct and fascinating “way how” I solve a problem and become indescribably valuable.
Still, certain people who have invested nothing in me or with me, had been given permission by me, to take the best I have to offer without compensation.
Co-workers, customers, siblings, parents, friends, children and even strangers, have unearned access to your genius, your time, your energy, your generosity and your kindness.
Your Reason WHY
Why Do YOU Continue Serve Consumers (Non-Reciprocators) When It Is Clear That There Is Nothing In It For YOU?
PIERCE challenged contemporary suggestions that this behavior makes me weak, stupid, too nice or approval-seeking. PIERCE cautioned that removing these behaviors also interrupts the pleasure others experience when interacting with or being served by me.
REIGN and PIERCE helped me expose the real and simple reason why I couldn’t say NO — because I hadn’t decided it’s a requirement for me to get what I want also.
While simple in explanation, I found this extremely difficult to make happen.
There were a mountain of obstacles preventing me from deciding. Still, making the decision to say NO was the starting point for my transformation.
After deciding, I began to attract new processes, people and programming. The techniques learned helped me take responsibility to protect and defend my NO, which makes room for my YES to be planted and prosper.
Your Quick DECISIONS Checklist
Only Consider Win/Win Propositions To Ensure A Quality Exchange.
Make NO your default answer to all requests, until you’ve had an opportunity to evaluate the dangers, opportunities and resources required from YOU.
Sure, there will be times when YOU must decide quickly. For these instances, create a Quick Decisions Checklist.
Put everything on the checklist that might harm YOU in a way that’s difficult to recover if the project failed, took longer than expected or went a direction that YOU do not support.
Your Effective “NO Strategy”
I Began To Move With A Sense of Urgency, Implementing An Effective “NO Strategy” Which Released Me From Personal Overload.
I Became Obsessed With Evaluating My Self-Talk and How Seemingly Innocent Facts Can Deceive Me Into Taking On More Crap (At My Expense).
Your Way Up: The PROGRAM
See How Well The PROGRAM Can Help YOU Have A Better Experience With Yourself.
It starts with YOU developing your ability to say NO to the wrong things and YES to the right ones. The rewarding life experiences YOU desire are built upon this important skill and assertiveness.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.
Your Instant DOWNLOADS

Personal Power reINVENTION Guide: 17 Ways To Jumpstart Your Ability To Say NO… To Every THING and Every ONE You’re Done Serving!
Monthly lessons are delivered to paid members using this format. You’ll get to experience this valuable Personal Power reINVENTION Guide with your FREE Member Account. We’re certain you’ll benefit immediately and decide to join the 7DS Community.
Start Your Free Membership To Get Instant Access.
It starts with YOU developing your ability to say NO to the wrong things and YES to the right ones. The rewarding life experiences YOU desire are built upon this important skill and assertiveness.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.
Take Responsibility For Protecting and Defending Your NO
When people are clear about your requirements for helping them solve their problem and know that you’ll enforce your requirements, they’ll STOP asking you to assist if they do not want to honor your requirements.
For now, stop and sit down long enough to consider and capture, in vivid detail, what YOU want. And yes, your fear, doubt or disappointment might join you for this exercise. It’s okay because you will make use of them later.
These vivid details will help you decide. They’ll serve as a catalyst for WHY you’re changing. Then, you can begin surrounding yourself with people who are making or have already made the decision to say NO.
Once you complete this clarifying step, everything will begin to change in the way YOU see YOU. You’ll start to embrace what PIERCE calls a Quality Exchange.
The PROGRAM (aka YOU Matter Too) walks and supports YOU through the process of creating this new reality. To access your goodness and greatness and giftedness, one must give the quality you’ve defined. This is the path to lucrative opportunities which promise everyone involved (esp. YOU), a rewarding outcome.
Act Like You Matter Too
Get With The Program That “Gets” YOU and The Frustrations YOU Experience When Serving Others.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.
The 10 BENEFITS of Saying YES Which Can Greatly Increase Your Personal Power (When You Choose The Right Opportunities and People)
Act Like You Matter Too
Get With The Program That “Gets” YOU and The Frustrations YOU Experience When Serving Others.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.

The PROGRAM Equips YOU To Say NO To “Every ONE and Every THING” That Is Not Adding Value To Your Life.
Put The Exhaustion, Frustration and Disappointment Behind You. Learn New Ways To Use Knowledge, Talent and Skills You Already Possess. Say Yes To Problems and Opportunities That Benefit You First. It’s Not Selfish. This Program Is About…

The PROGRAM: You Matter Too Masterclass Highlights
Act Like You Matter Too
Get With The Program That “Gets” YOU and The Frustrations YOU Experience When Serving Others.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.

The PROGRAM Equips YOU To Say NO To “Every ONE and Every THING” That Is Not Adding Value To Your Life.
Put The Exhaustion, Frustration and Disappointment Behind You. Learn New Ways To Use Knowledge, Talent and Skills You Already Possess. Say Yes To Problems and Opportunities That Benefit You First. It’s Not Selfish. This Program Is About…

The PROGRAM: You Matter Too Masterclass Highlights
Act Like You Matter Too
Get With The Program That “Gets” YOU and The Frustrations YOU Experience When Serving Others.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.

The PROGRAM Equips YOU To Say NO To “Every ONE and Every THING” That Is Not Adding Value To Your Life.
Put The Exhaustion, Frustration and Disappointment Behind You. Learn New Ways To Use Knowledge, Talent and Skills You Already Possess. Say Yes To Problems and Opportunities That Benefit You First. It’s Not Selfish. This Program Is About…

The PROGRAM: You Matter Too Masterclass Highlights
Act Like You Matter Too
Get With The Program That “Gets” YOU and The Frustrations YOU Experience When Serving Others.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.

The PROGRAM Equips YOU To Say NO To “Every ONE and Every THING” That Is Not Adding Value To Your Life.
Put The Exhaustion, Frustration and Disappointment Behind You. Learn New Ways To Use Knowledge, Talent and Skills You Already Possess. Say Yes To Problems and Opportunities That Benefit You First. It’s Not Selfish. This Program Is About…

The PROGRAM: You Matter Too Masterclass Highlights
The Program

Act Like You Matter Too
Get With The Program That “Gets” YOU and The Frustrations YOU Experience When Serving Others.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.

The PROGRAM Equips YOU To Say NO To “Every ONE and Every THING” That Is Not Adding Value To Your Life.
Put The Exhaustion, Frustration and Disappointment Behind You. Learn New Ways To Use Knowledge, Talent and Skills You Already Possess. Say Yes To Problems and Opportunities That Benefit You First. It’s Not Selfish. This Program Is About…

The 7 Components That FRAME The 7 Day Secret (Terms and Definitions)
The 7 Strategies To Implement The 7 Day Secret (Phrases and Key Actions)
Act Like You Matter Too
Get With The Program That “Gets” YOU and The Frustrations YOU Experience When Serving Others.
Increased Attraction. Assertiveness. Productivity. In 7 Day Increments.