If you want uncommon CLARITY and results, ask yourself (and others) uncommonly CLEAR questions.

Often, all that stands between you and what you want is a better set of questions.

The 11 questions below (borrowed from Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss) will help draw out the jewels of wisdom from your Personal History and CLARIFY (once and for all) that you are enough (as you are right now).

Answer the questions with this intention…

Imagine that you’re having a conversation with your teenage self and giving yourself advice and direction (based on your real life successes, failures and speculations).

The significance of this activity is developing the ability to look into the future, find the appropriate value and then give present self insight for the right and best next action.

  1. What 3 books that you have received or purchased that have greatly influenced your life? Why would you recommend this book to others?
  2. What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)? Consider sharing specifics like brand and model, where you found it, top 3 benefits, etc. 
  3. How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? What “favorite failure” story can you share that is packed with great wisdom?
  4. If you had a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it — metaphorically speaking, getting a message out to millions or billions — what would it say and why? It could be a few words or a paragraph. (If helpful, it can be someone else’s quote: Are there any quotes you think of often or live your life by?)
  5. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? How have you benefited specifically? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)
  6. What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing (about yourself) that you absolutely love?
  7. In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved the quality of your thinking and value of your contribution to others?
  8. What warnings would you give to yourself, perhaps just graduated from college, about to enter the “real world” (around age 22 to 24 time-frame)? What warnings would you tell your 22 to 24 year old self to ignore?
  9. What “so-called expert” recommendations have you heard in your current profession or area of expertise, initially accepted as true and then realized after several failed attempts that something was missing? What previously missing element allowed you to successfully get the result?
  10. In the last five years, what have you become better at saying NO to (distractions, invitations, etc.)? What new realizations and/or approaches helped? What ideal opportunity would receive an emphatic, resounding YES… Count Me In (if presented right now)?
  11. When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do (to get back to a centered place where you have personal power)?

Book Mentioned During The Discussion About Question 1

These are phenomenal books.

They will challenge you.

They will stretch you.

They will change you.

If not approached with care, they will immobilize you. 

While you’re here to learn, the learning has ONE INTENT.

That intent is to take action today, more intelligently than you did yesterday!

Explore these books at various stages of your journey.

Allow them to catapult you over meaningless obstacles.

Embody their words and become the message of hope and transformation.

Becoming Your Own Banker
Amazon Link
R. Nelson Nash

Dare to Serve: How to Drive Superior Results by Serving Others
Amazon Link
Cheryl Bachelder

Money Before Marriage: A Financial Workbook for Engaged Couples
Amazon Link
Larry Burkett

Creative Followership: In the Shadow of Greatness
Amazon Link
Jimmy Collins

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
Amazon Link
Robert T. Kiyosaki

Tribe of Millionaires: What if one choice could change everything?
Amazon Link
David Osborn

Think and Grow Rich!:The Original Version, Restored and Revised
Amazon Link
Napoleon Hill

I Hear You: The Surprisingly Simple Skill Behind Extraordinary Relationships
Amazon Link
Michael S. Sorensen

Revealing the Secrets of the Game
Amazon Link
W. James Dennis

Pecking Order
Amazon Link
Omar Tyree

The Business Coach
Amazon Link
Brad Sugars

The Assignment
Amazon Link
Mike Murdock

The Maxwell Leadership Bible
Amazon Link
John C. Maxwell

The $100 Startup
Amazon Link
Chris Guillebeau

Amazon Link
Jason Fried

Thinking For A Change
Amazon Link
John C. Maxwell

Thinking On These Things
Amazon Link
J. Krishnamurti

Who Do You Think You Are, Anyway?
Book Link
Robert Rohm

Now, Discover Your Strengths
Amazon Link
Marcus Buckingham

The Five Love Languages
Amazon Link
Gary Chapman

The Four Agreements
Amazon Link
Don Miguel Ruiz

Power vs Force
Amazon Link
David Hawkins

How The World Sees You
Amazon Link
Sally Hogshead

Amazon Link
T.D. Jakes

The 50th Law
Amazon Link
50 Cent and Robert Greene

Amazon Link
Andy Stanley

Law of Success
Amazon Link
Napoleon Hill

Four Daily Tasks
Amazon Link
Robert Plank

Getting Things Done
Amazon Link
David Allen

E-Myth Revisited
Amazon Link
Michael Gerber

Business Model Generation
Amazon Link
Alexander Osterwalder

The Dip
Amazon Link
Seth Godin

Storytelling Made Easy
Amazon Link
Michael Hauge

10 More Books Worth Considering To Help You Think and Lead More Effectively

How to Position Yourself As The Obvious Expert
Amazon Link
Elsom and Mark Eldridge

Winning With People
Amazon Link
John C. Maxwell

The ONE Thing
Amazon Link
Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

Amazon Link
Brant Hansen

There’s A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem
Amazon Link
Wayne Dyer

A Return To Love
Amazon Link
Marianne Williamson

Escape From Cubicle Nation
Amazon Link
Pamela Slim

80/20 Sales and Marketing
Amazon Link
Perry Marshall

The Magic of Thinking Big
Amazon Link
David J. Schwartz

How To Write A Good Advertisement: A Short Course In Copywriting
Amazon Link
Victor O. Schwab

In addition to the 7 Day Action Sequence, get INSTANT access to the BONUS Content listed above.

These Self reINVENTION Tips can help YOU pinpoint ways to refine your Distinct Value, giving YOU greater Personal Power, properly directed Focus, better OKRs and smarter Execution. OKRs stands for Objectives and Key Results.

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  • Simplify complex processes.
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