Tools We Use At 7 Day Secret for Website Design and Maintenance
Kadence PRO Theme
This theme allows you to create beautifully effective WordPress sites with ease! Quickly launch with a starter template, and change global colors and fonts. Build new pages with drop-in-ready sections from the design library.
Design Tools
I use Canva Pro for most design tasks because it’s simple, quick and versatile. For more detailed layouts, my go to is CorelDraw Standard. My Color Palette tool is Color-Hex.
Google Fonts included with Kadence PRO Theme are Vollkorn (H1), Unica One (H2) and Source Sans 3 (Paragraph). The Playlist Script font is an svg icon from Online Web Fonts licensed by CC BY 4.0. Adding Playlist Script is simple using the Kadence Custom Fonts utility.
- Plugins are my employees.
- Highly-skilled experts who deliver consistent results every day.
- Only 23 of the 115 active plugins are premium versions.
- The remaining plugins are FREE.
- The complete list (broken down into categories) is available to paid members.